Donation & Trade-in Policy

We will gladly accept donations of gently used books in like-new condition in exchange for store credit.* The amount of credit received will depend on the format, age, genre, condition, and demand.

Due to our extremely limited storage capacity, please limit donations to one bag or box at a time. Donations may be dropped off any time during normal business hours. Please do not leave books in front of the store when we are closed.

We do not offer cash for books and we do not sell used books on consignment.

We are always looking for popular fiction published within the last few years, poetry, graphic novels, manga, vintage classics, vintage sci fi, philosophy, “Book of the Month” editions, metaphysical or new age books, beat generation poetry/literature, and books about the local Hudson Valley and Catskill regions.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept discarded library books, encyclopedias, Time Life, Reader’s Digest, National Geographic, textbooks, homeschooling materials, oversized coffee table books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, single issue comics, DVDs, CDs, vinyls, or other forms of media.

Books may be accepted/rejected at our discretion.


As a primarily used bookstore, we genuinely appreciate your donations!

Your generosity helps independent bookstores like ours stay in business, and allows us to give back to the community.


*Store credit can be applied toward the purchase of used books, in-store and in-stock only.